keskiviikko 30. kesäkuuta 2010

Eclipse review.. someone who knows the books upside down, inside out, in english and finnish..  *sigh* well..

Impossible to please, to make completely happy, but it did give me good laughs.Mostly by Jacob/Edward biggering, but Charlie had his moments too.
Emmets always fun, whereas Rosalies not.
Jasper had a great role in this movie and we got tiny, too tiny for readers for sure, glimpse of his past with Maria.
Personally I would've liked both his and Rosalies backstories to be told more complete, and not short flashes..
Same goes for the quillette legends too. They just threw the third wife there and didnt explain at all why was she third, to have a third, you need first and second too, right? Im not that bad in math am I?

Good side was to see so much of the army being made, Rileys killing and turning, and the whole newborn dynamics there. Downside, I strongly dislike the new actress for Victoria.

Best lines go to Jacob for sure, thermometer in the tent throws a multi-meaningfull comment about him warming up frozen bella.. "you know im hotter than you". In so many ways huh?
Also when Edward lists the stuff that if they werent natural enemies bla bla bla he might like jacob, and jacob starts his own list but ends up with only one and after a while just says..'no. not even then'. Cracker!

Bella, or more so Kristen, has NEVER gotten me to feel her, like, Bella.. only time she was doing her part as it should IMO was in New Moon when she actually IS depressed, Bella I mean. Otherthan that, she acts like anemic, like, lifeless I-dont-know-how-to-express-myself-and-I-Have-no-feelings kind of.. zombie.. sorry. I just dont, never have, and still dont, fell the bella there. Only time she actually showed feeling was when she ran after Jacob after he hears about the marriage plans. One moment, didnt last even a minute. Oh well, dont hold your breath for an oscar.

Edward, Im starting to get used to Pattison as the picture of Edward, well did, till I started watching Potters, and now hes just Cedric to me. *sigh*

From the Cullen family my favorites and the best ones are well absolutly Alice, EMMET and after Eclipse, Jasper :)

The Dogs have some hot guys there, Embry rawr :P
I kind of missed the whole imprint on 2 year old claire thing because its supposed to build up to Breaking Dawn and Jacob Renesmee stuff.. but then again after every single Twilight movie Ive felt Im missing something, somethings NOT there, they are speeding it up too much and its just not right. Did I read the books too many times or is it really sped up? Do people who havent read actually know whats going on?

Oh and Im not including the first Twilight movie here because damn thats not ever movie, its like.. swearword for movie.. or maybe I just waited too much of it. But compared to way harry potter books turn into movies, Twilight movie makers have a long way to go.. the books have amazing stuff to make a great movie out of, but they just need to USE the stuff, and mind you, can the convos get more interesting or lively with some background music or so because I feel like dying everytime bella and charlie talk together..  x.x

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