Once upon a time there was a young girl and an older man. They fell in love, got married, and had a child through hard labor - me.
I was born in March of 1981, yes you might think Im old but I dare you to ever tell that to my face. Ive got peter pan complex of never growing up. At least inside my head. There the little girl with hopes and dreams still lies under this sarcastic and cynical supposed to be adult body. Boring.
I have a child, shes 6, and everytime I look at her I see myself as a child with no worries. Just plain dreaming and believing, and its hard sometimes not to just let her live and be the dreamer, because I learned the hard way life is not a fairytale. Not by longshot.
Ofcourse, like my mother told me what to do and not do, I never listened. I had to learn the hard way. And boy did I really. And like anymother Id want to protect my child from ever making the same mistakes that I did, but just like me, Im painfully aware she will anyway.
So anyway, Im gonna try this blogging thing, I might keep up, might not, never know. Im constantly going where the wind blows on daily basis so what ever feels like a good idea today might not interest me at all tomorrow. Ofcourse, if there was anyone who really would like to hear more of these.. let me know, more than welcome.
And last but not least, Thanks to the awesome template maker. I might try out that too on another day lol. I love arts and doing it as well. So long for now.